A Beta year in numbers
This year the Beta team has completed 18 sprints lasting 2 weeks each leading to 3348 commits to 8 repositories from a team of 9 developers*.
We have done 8 face to face user research days for the public Beta speaking to a total of 44 users in Newport, London, Exeter, Southampton, Manchester, Coventry and Newcastle. Alongside this we have done 9 pieces of online, unmoderated user research with 1878 people contributing to date.
For our publishing application Florence we have done an additional 10 user research sessions with 52 participants leading to 58 identified changes to the system.
As of the start of December we had migrated 4746 pages to the Beta and provided 35000 interactive time-series pages.
We have also undertaken 3 Service Assessments and written 20 blogposts (including this one.)
Quite a year.
Thanks to everybody who contributed and we will be back to blogging in 2016.
*at the teams peak.